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Measurement values at meteorological stations

Where is the warmest place right now? Where is there low stratus, and where is the sun shining? How much did it rain last night? MeteoSwiss has all the answers to these questions and more: The measurements recorded on a continuous basis at the numerous weather stations can be called up in real time.


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Swiss federal authoritiesSwiss federal authorities

MeteoSwiss operates a comprehensive automatic monitoring network. In order to be able to ascertain the precise meteorological conditions and their development around the clock, data from additional measurement and observation networks are used to supplement the MeteoSwiss data. The majority of these data can be called up in real time.

The information is provided on a station by station basis and can be selected by clicking on a map of Switzerland or from a table (in the right-hand menu below the parameters or monitoring networks). There are two options for displaying the information: by parameter or by monitoring network.

Measurement values by parameter

The parameters that can be selected include temperature, precipitation, wind and more. The up-to-date measurement values are displayed when the user clicks on one of the weather stations. Graphics of the development of the parameter up to the current time are also displayed alongside the current readings. Depending on the parameter selected, various time frames are available.

Measurement values by monitoring network

Various different monitoring networks can be selected, including automatic weather stations, climate stations and weather cameras. Clicking on a particular weather station brings up a range of information about that measurement location. For some of the monitoring networks, the current measurement values are also displayed for the selected station.