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Data from land-based stations

MeteoSwiss provides data from land-based weather stations distributed throughout Switzerland, including around 300 automated stations and over 300 conventional precipitation stations. Individual data can be obtained in real time or for a specific point in time. These up-to-the-minute data from land-based stations are particularly useful for companies in the energy and insurance industries.


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High-quality data from the MeteoSwiss monitoring networks

MeteoSwiss maintains a monitoring network of almost 300 automated weather stations – consisting of the fully equipped stations of SwissMetNet, together with the automated stations in the precipitation monitoring network. In addition, MeteoSwiss operates over 300 manual precipitation stations. The MeteoSwiss monitoring network meets the requirements of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). MeteoSwiss publishes the current data under Measurements at meteorological stations.

Data from automated weather stations

Meteorological measurements are taken every ten minutes at the automated weather stations. The monitoring programme consists of the following specific meteorological parameters:

  • Air temperature
  • Precipitation
  • Snow depth
  • Wind speed and direction
  • Air pressure
  • Relative humidity
  • Global radiation
  • Sunshine duration

Some of the stations also undertake observations of cloud cover, visibility, weather situation and other parameters.

Quality assurance

The central processing systems at MeteoSwiss automatically check the quality of the data and calculate the derived quantitative data. The MeteoSwiss data archive dates back up to 150 years for some locations, allowing long-term comparisons to be made and trends to be derived.

Tailored to individual requirements

Current measurement data and historical data series are used for answering a wide range of questions in the fields of meteorology, climatology and hydrology. But this information is also needed in various industry sectors, such as energy and insurance. MeteoSwiss helps researchers and organisations to compile the relevant meteorological data for their particular purposes.

Thanks to the high temporal resolution of the data, they can be transmitted in real time via push notifications. Alternatively, MeteoSwiss measurement data can be obtained for greater time spans. For all options, the desired locations, temporal resolution and weather parameters can be specified.

Prices on request.