The MeteoSwiss hazard map shows current warnings for the whole of Switzerland and Liechtenstein. The warnings are colour-coded according to the level of imminent danger, from 1 (no or minor danger) to 5 (very high danger). If an event is expected with only a low probability of occurrence, the affected regions are shown with hatched shading.
By clicking on a specific warning region, more detailed information about current warnings can be shown, including the period for which the warning applies and recommendations for action.
The hazards can be displayed for severe weather (wind, thunderstorms, rain, snow, hard-packed snow, heat and frost) or for all natural hazards (including floods, forest fires, avalanches and earthquakes). In the selection, they are ordered according to their danger level. All hazards are displayed on the Swiss map on the far left of the selection. Wind warnings for lakes and airports can also be displayed.