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The EUMETNET AutoPollen Programme is developing an automatic monitoring network for pollen and fungal spores across Europe. The programme covers all aspects of the information chain: from the initial measurements through to services and products designed to meet end-user needs.

Project start01.01.2018
Project end31.12.2028
StatusCurrent projects
  • Measurement & forecasting systems
  • Research & cooperation


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Swiss federal authoritiesSwiss federal authorities


  • Clot, B., Gilge, S., Hajkova, L., Magyar, D., Scheifinger, H., Sofiev, M., Bütler, F., and Tummon, F. 2020. The EUMETNET AutoPollen Programme: Establishing a prototype automatic pollen monitoring network  in Europe. Aerobiologia.
  • Adamov S, Lemonis N, Clot B, Crouzy B, Gehrig R, Graber MJ, Sallin C, Tummon F. 2021. On the measurement uncertainty of Hirst-type volumetric pollen and spore samplers. Aerobiologia.

  • Tummon F, Arboledas LA, Bonini M, Guinot B, Hicke M, Jacob C, Kendrovski V, McCairns W, Petermann E, Peuch VH, Pfaar O, Sicard M, Sikoparija B, Clot B. 2021. The need for Pan-European automatic pollen and fungal spore monitoring: a Stakeholder Workshop Position Paper. Clin. Transl. Allergy 11(3).

  • Buters J, Clot B, Galan C, Gehrig R, Gilge S, Hentges F, O'Connor D, Sikoparija B, Skjoth C, Tummon F, Adams-Groom B, Antunes C, Bruffaerts N, Çelenk S, Crouzy B, Guillaud G, Hajkova L, Kofol Seliger A, Oliver G, Ribeiro H, Rodinkova V, Saarto A, Sauliene I, Sozinova O, Stjepanovic B. 2022. Automatic Detection of airborne Pollen: An Overview. Aerobiologia.

  • Maya Manzano J, Tummon F, Abt R, Allan N, Bunderson L, Clot B, Crouzy B, Daunys G, Erb S, Gonzalez-Alonso M, Graf E, Grewling L, Haus J, Kadantsev E, Kawashima S, Martinez-Bracero M, Matavulj P, Mills S, Niederberger E, Lieberherr G, Lucas RW, O’Connor DJ, Oteros J, Palamarchuk J, Pope FD, Rojo J, Sauliene I, Schäfer S, Schmidt-Weber CB, Schnitzler M, Sikoparija B, Skjoth CA, Sofiev M, Stemmler T, Trivino M, Zeder Y, Buters J. 2022. Towards European automatic bioaerosol monitoring: Comparison of 9 automatic pollen observational instruments with classic Hirst-type traps. STOTEN.

  • Tummon F, Bruffaerts N, Celenk S, Choël M, Clot B, Crouzy B, Galán C, Gilge S, Hajkova L, Mokin V, O'Connor D, Rodinkova V, Sauliene I, Sikoparija B, Sofiev M, Sozinova O, Tesendic D, Vasilatou K. 2022. Towards standardisation of automatic pollen and fungal spore monitoring: Best practises and guidelines. Aerobiologia.

  • Sofiev M, Buters J, Tummon F, Fatahi Y, Sozinova O, Adams-Groom B, Bergmann KC, Dahl A, Gehrig R, Gilge S, Kofol Seliger A, Kouznetsov R, Lieberherr G, O’Connor D, Oteros J, Palamarchuk J, Ribeiro H, Werchan B, Werchan M, Clot B. 2023. Designing an automatic pollen monitoring network for direct usage of observations to reconstruct the concentration fields. STOTEN 900.

  • Suarez-Suarez M, Maya-Manzano J, Clot B, Graber MJ, Sallin C, Tummon F, Buters J. 2023. Accuracy of a hand-held resistance-free flowmeters for flow adjustments of Hirst-Type pollen traps. Aerobiologia.

  • Triviño MM, Maya Manzano JM, Tummon F, Clot B, Grewling L, Schmidt-Weber C, Buters J. 2023. Variability between Hirst-type pollen traps is reduced by resistance-free flow adjustment. Aerobiologia.

  • Tummon F, Adams-Groom B, Antunes CM, Bruffaerts N, Buters J, Cariñanos P, Celenk S, Choël M, Clot B, Cristofori A, Crouzy B, Damialis A, Rodríguez Fernández A, Fernández González D, Galán C, Gedda B, Gehrig R, Gonzalez-Alonso M, Gottardini E, Gros-Daillon J, Hajkova L, O’Connor D, Östensson P, Oteros J, Pauling A, Pérez-Badia R, Rodinkova V, Rodríguez-Rajo FJ, Ribeiro H, Sauliene I, Sikoparija B, Skjøth CA, Spanu A, Sofiev M, Sozinova O, Srnec L, Visez N, de Weger LA. 2024. The role of automatic pollen and fungal spore monitoring across major end-user domains. Aerobiologia.