MeteoSwiss develops with international partners novel high-level domain specific languages for performance portable, extreme scale weather forecast models that run on large and modern supercomputer systems.
By explicitly resolving storm dynamics, we will vastly improve weather and climate simulations. Resolving eddies in the ocean is key to improve simulations of the ocean circulation and thus our understanding of future changes of features like the North Atlantic Current, which ensures the temperate winters in Europe. Improved weather forecasts and climate projections are crucial for preparing Europe for the challenges from changing heat waves, dry spells, rains, and floods.
However, the path to the exascale for weather and climate model simulations still holds enormous challenges. One of the paths of the center of excellence to deliver model configurations that run on (pre-)exascale supercomputers is to promote and establish the use of domain specific languages (DSL) for weather and climate models, that offer portability, performance and scalability.
MeteoSwiss contributes towards the use of DSLs for the new generation (following COSMO) weather and climate model ICON. Within the duration of the project, MeteoSwiss will deliver a dynamical core of ICON on an icosahedral grid, using a high-level python DSL. The new model will be demonstrated on the latest generation of GPUs.