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E-PROFILE is part of the EUMETNET Composite Observing System, EUCOS, managing the European networks of radar wind profilers (RWP) and automatic lidars and ceilometers (ALC) for the monitoring of vertical profiles of wind and aerosols including volcanic ash. Currently, the remit is extended to microwave radiometers to measure profiles of temperature and humidity.

Project start01.01.2024
Project end31.12.2028
StatusCurrent projects
  • Measurement & forecasting systems
  • Research & cooperation


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Swiss federal authoritiesSwiss federal authorities

E-PROFILE manages currently two networks to measure vertical profiles of wind and aerosols including volcanic ash. Radar wind profilers and weather radars are used to measure vertical profiles of wind in the troposphere (0 – 10 km) and lower stratosphere (10-20 km). These wind profiles are mainly used to initialize numerical weather prediction models.

Automatic lidars and ceilometers are low-cost lidars, which measure the cloud base height and scattering properties of aerosols including volcanic ash. The reliable detection of volcanic ash is crucial to manage the airspace in case of volcanic eruptions.

In the current program phase, the remit is expanded to microwave radiometers, which measure profiles of temperature and humidity. These Data will become available in 2023 and will serve primarily the numerical weather prediction.

Status of project

The current program phase lasts from 2019 to 2023.

The program manager is Alexander Haefele.