Raman Lidar for Meteorological Observations, RALMO – Part 1: Instrument description
T. Dinoev, V. Simeonov, Y. Arshinov, S. Bobrovnikov, P. Ristori, B. Calpini, M. Parlange, and H. van den Bergh Atmos. Meas. Tech., 6, 1329-1346, 2013
Raman Lidar for Meteorological Observations, RALMO – Part 2: Validation of water vapor measurements E. Brocard, R. Philipona, A. Haefele, G. Romanens, A. Mueller, D. Ruffieux, V. Simeonov, and B. Calpini Atmos. Meas. Tech., 6, 1347-1358, 2013
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Raman Frequency Shifting in CH4 :H2 :Ar mixture pumped by the 4th Harmonic of Nd :YAG (V. Simeonov, V. Mitev, H. van den Bergh, and B. Calpini) Appl. Opt., Vol 37, No 30, pp 7112-7115, 1998.
A Raman Differential Absorption Lidar for Ozone and Water Vapor Measurement in the Lower Troposphere (B. Lazzarotto, V. Simeonov, P. Quaglia G. Larchevêque, H. van den Bergh, and B. Calpini) Int. J. Env. Analytical Chem., 74, pp255-261, 1999
Experimental investigation of high-power single-pass Raman shifters in the ultraviolet with Nd :YAG and KrF lasers (L. Schoulepnikoff, V. Mitev, V. Simeonov, B. Calpini, and H. van den Bergh) Appl. Opt., Vol 36, No 21 pp 5026-5043, 1997.
Water vapor Upper Air Observations at MeteoSwiss Payerne Bertrand Calpini 1, Vincent Hentsch 1, Pierre Huguenin1, Dominique Ruffieux 1, Todor Dinoev 2, Valentin Simeonov 2 ISTP2009, Delft
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Aerosol profiling using the ceilometer 10 network of the German meteorological service. ( H. Flentje, B. Heese, J. Reichardt, and W. Thomas), AtmosphericMeasurement Techniques, vol. 3, pp. 3643–3673, 2010.
An Assessment of Pseudo-Operational Ground-Based Light Detection and Ranging Sensors to Determine the Boundary-Layer Structure in the Coastal Atmosphere. (Milroy, C., G. Martucci, S. Lolli, S. Loaec, L. Sauvage, I. Xueref -Remy, Jost V. Lavric, P. Ciais, Colin D. O’Dowd) Advances in Meteorology, 2012, ID 929080, 18 pages. doi:10.1155/2012/929080
MeteoSwiss: Dr. Giovanni Martucci, Dr. Alexander Haefele.
EPFL: Dr. Valentin Simeonov EPFL ENAC ISTE LPAS, CH C2 392, Station 6, CH-1015 Lausanne
MeteoSwiss: Prof. Bertrand Calpini, project leader.