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Climandes 2


The project Climandes 2 built upon the first phase of the project Climandes 1 and aimed to develop climate services for decision-makers in Peru and to improve the training of meteorologists in the Andean region. User-tailored weather forecasts can help the rural population in managing the impacts of climate change. The cooperation between MeteoSwiss and the Peruvian weather service was funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and coordinated by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

Project start01.01.2016
Project end31.03.2019
StatusCompleted projects
  • Research & cooperation
  • Climate


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Swiss federal authoritiesSwiss federal authorities

Innovative cooperation between Switzerland and Peru

The project Climandes 2 (Servicios climáticos con énfasis en los Andes en apoyo a las decisiones) strengthened the existing partnership ties and exchange of knowledge between the two mountainous countries Switzerland and Peru. It was a pilot project of the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS). The joint project activities support the Peruvian weather service (SENAMHI) and the WMO training centre at La Molina University (UNALM) in Lima. The project consisted of three complementary modules.

Module 1: Climate services tailored for agriculture in the Andean region

The project aimed to develop high-quality climate services specifically tailored for the agricultural economy in the Andes. As the availability of water is a decisive factor affecting agricultural production, module 1 of Climandes 2 aimed to provide improved information on precipitation and droughts. To this end, up-to-date climate monitoring and seasonal forecasts for the Andes were prepared. The development of climate services in module 1 was closely linked to module 3, which included the assessment of user-needs for climate services in the agricultural economy.

Module 2: Improved training in meteorology and climatology

Climandes 2 was designed to improve academic training in meteorology and climatology in Peru so as to ensure the development of high-quality climate services in the Andes. Module 2 enhanced the training provision at the Peruvian weather service and the WMO training centre (WMO-RTC) at La Molina University. At these institutions, e-learning material was developed and introduced into existing and new courses. These training opportunities by SENAMHI and the WMO-RTC were promoted and made available to other countries in the Andean region.

Module 3: User-dialogue and socio-economic benefits of climate services

The purpose of Module 3 was to connect users and providers of climate services in order to match climate information with user needs. By means of a participatory process, the concept of a User Interface Platform (UIP) aided the development, application and improvement of climate services. In addition, Module 3 identified and communicated the economic value of climate services to political decision-makers in the Andean region, thus ensuring the granting of public funding required for sustainably maintaining and operating the basic infrastructure and climate services provided by SENAMHI.

In a pilot case study the project SEB Peru examined the socio-economic benefit (SEB) of a hypothetical early warning system user-tailored for coffee and maize farmers in Cusco, Peru. The results demonstrate that small farmers have a strong interest in using climate services.


International project organisation

Climandes 2 was funded by the Global Programme Climate Change of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and coordinated by the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO). The project was implemented in Peru by the Peruvian weather service SENAMHI and La Molina University. The project partners were supported by the universities of Berne, Geneva and Zurich, ETH Zurich, Meteodat GmbH, J. Sauter GmbH, Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation Peru, and the Swiss Tropical Institute.

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