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MeteoSwiss is part of the Swiss Federal Department of Home Affairs and consists of six departments: Service and Development , Forecasting and Consulting, Measurements and Data, Planning and Customer Relations, Information and Communications Technology, Finance and Logistics, and Human Resources.


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Organisational chart

MeteoSwiss consists of seven departments, each with its own remit and functions. The departments work closely with one another, supporting and complementing each other's work. Together, they ensure the quality that characterises MeteoSwiss. The strategic development of the organisation revolves around the needs of our customers.

Service and Development

The Service and Development (Service und Entwicklung - SE) department includes three specialist divisions: Climate, Numerical Prediction and Development of Forecasting.

  • The Climate division focuses on climate services, specifically the development, provision and communication of climate-related information.
  • Responsibility for developing and operating MeteoSwiss's internal weather forecasting model lies with the Numerical Prediction division.
  • The Development of Forecasting division develops and operates new methods for automated (general and specialised) forecasts and decision support systems for meteorologists, and coordinates the relevant training.

Alongside the three specialist divisions, a team from the SE department supports and integrates machine learning applications within MeteoSwiss.

Forecasting and Consulting

The Forecasting and Consulting department comprises the three weather centres in Zurich, Geneva and Locarno. Its staff provide weather forecasts, official weather warnings and specific meteorological services for aviation and other customers and partners. They are also responsible for manual observations at Zurich and Geneva international airports.

Measurement and Data

The Measurement and Data (Messungen und Daten - MD) department is responsible for the collection, quality assurance and provision of meteorological data. In addition, the MD department operates an extensive weather observation network consisting of

  • surface observation stations,
  • radar systems,
  • satellites,
  • soundings,
  • Lidar,
  • wind profilers,
  • radiometers,
  • and visual observations.

The MD department manages the data collected and processes them for the purpose of developing high-quality, cost-effective and readily accessible solutions for internal and external users.

Planning and Customer Relations

The Planning and Customer Relations (Planung und Kundenbeziehungen - PK) department fulfils a vital role in the management and positioning of MeteoSwiss. It is concerned with the planning, coordination and development of the activities, products and services of the organisation.

PK cultivates the interfaces and relationships with customers, the public, the Swiss Federal Department of Home Affairs and the national political arena, as well as with international organisations. PK thereby ensures that MeteoSwiss is optimally positioned in the political, economic and societal spheres.

Information and Communication Technology

The Information and Communication Technology (IT) department guarantees round-the-clock, high availability, crisis-proof IT operations. In addition, it provides the other departments with innovative IT solutions and is committed to ensuring an efficient service in terms of developing and providing ongoing support for specialist applications.

Finance and Logistics

The Finance and Logistics (FIL) department manages MeteoSwiss’s budget and is responsible for the organisation’s material resources and for investments in new technologies.

Human Resources

The Human Resources (HR) department is responsible for all human resource matters.